A very belated report on the Tee Party at the American Folk Museum in New York City a few weeks ago. Refashionistas of all ages came out for the festivities and FUN. But, really, any combination of T-shirts + scissors + good company + a bottle of wine is a golden equation for a cozy and creative evening! We made scarves, halter tops, tees, and hats. Just check out the scene below.
One lovely fashionista marked and cut fringe for a fabulous scarf. Cheryl, one of my models for the evening (note the fetching no-sew Pinup Girl halter top she’s wearing! — project #1 from Generation T: Beyond Fashion) started snipping up another colorful tee.

Here, another fab fashionista aligns her T-shirt before making the cuts… and ta-da! She opted to stop there on the Back In Action tee (#101 Generation T: Beyond Fashion).

Cheryl** (sitting next to Cheryl) cut, cut, cut her scarf (#88 “Mane-iac Scarf in Generation T: Beyond Fashion), and then stretchhhhed to complete the look.

Crafty hands tied little knots… or made looped chains up the back of their tees.

And thanks to our lovely host, Courtney, from the Folk Art Museum, for organizing the event. She’s such a multi-tasker that she actually braided her hat while she wore it! (Sometimes you just can’t wait until you’re finished before testing out a new DIY creation…)

**And, how cool is this: Cheryl (above, making the scarf) illustrated the instructions for my Generation T McCall’s pattern! Thank you, Cheryl, for your amazing work. I just love small town New York City! Stay tuned for the next Generation T Tee Party — you never know who will be there, but one thing is for sure: Summer is coming, which means warm weather and…T-SHIRTS!!!