The countdown is complete. The Holderness School Artward Bound “ReMake It New” eco-fashion show is tonight! Here’s another behind-the-scenes look at my young designers in action.
The boys shocked and awed us all with their refashioned tight-tight shorts (they used project #57 “Antsy Pants” toddler pants from the kids chapter in Generation T: Beyond Fashion as their guide, so are we really surprised?) Here, Andy cuts out the pattern. Then Gavin oversees him adding a storage pocket.

Danielle learns the no-sew lacing technique to modify her T-shirt before she takes it the spray paint table to frost the edges in blue.

Using masking tape as a freehand stencil, Ben fabric spray paints his mark of rebellion. Christian handstitches a fabric applique onto the front of a T-shirt (his third this week!).

Jeff pieced together parts of three different T-shirts to make a tie to wear for dress code!

Riggs pinned a T-shirt applique on the back of a not-so-exciting sweatshirt he brought from his room before he hit the sewing machine. Dan outlined his basketball number 35 with masking tape and spray painted it, then added some appliqued patches–he even took it for a test run in the gym the same afternoon!

On Day 3 we started to run low on our T-shirt stash, which introduced the scraps accessories challenge! Iashai and Macy responded solidly with laced-up glovelets (from Generation T: Beyond Fashion) and….a mitten!

Faculty leader Lindley made a no-sew fringe-filled scarf (“Mane-iac,” project #91 from Generation T: Beyond Fashion).

Francis M. made a ski mask, while Andrew attempted a T-shirt scrap sock…

…before abandoning it for a black-gray-white sleeve scarf (tutorial to come!).

And, in the non-wearable department, faculty leader Merilee stitched a giant stuff sack (using project #38 “Clean Machine” laundry sack), Hannah worked on a knotted throw (#63 “Roll it, Patch it, Mark it with a Tee!” no-sew quilt) from Generation T: Beyond Fashion.

GP stitched up a #42 “Plastic Surgery”grocery tote (as well as a drawstring bag with scraps!) that he personalized by hand stenciling his name with masking tape and white fabric paint. Kendra made a no-sew knotted pillow #30 “Pillow Talk.”

The garment racks are full, so now it’s off to rehearsal!

If you’re in the area, the student performance will start at 7:30 in Hagerman Auditorium (in addition to the “ReMake It New” eco-fashion show, there’ll be live drumming, dancing, and slam poetry!). For the rest, you’ll have to wait for the pictures.