Posts Tagged ‘for the love of books’

Signature Styles: Sneak Preview!

Last spring I was super excited when Jenny Doh of Crescendoh invited me to take part in her forthcoming book project, Signature Styles: 20 Stitchers Craft Their Look (due out from Lark Books this May — and hey, that’s my friend Sonya on the cover!). It was a welcome opportunity for me to reflect on my art and craft and how integrated it is in my day-to-day life. It was also a fun opportunity to invite my mom, a professional photographer, to visit for a weekend to do the photo shoot!

Photography is a challenge in poorly lit Brooklyn apartment studios (as you’ve likely surmised from previous blog posts!), because you have a few crucial hours of sunlight breaking through the buildings. For this particular shoot, we also had no tripod (oops, left that at the office!) — but it was a welcome challenge and a true get-crafty, make-it-work moment. (And luckily, Mr. T and I have quite the library of thick books to create a makeshift solution!)

Book description: Twenty top stitchers take readers on an exclusive tour of their homes and studios–graciously offering their signature techniques and a step-by-step project along the way. This unique book presents informational, inspirational profiles of creative and crafty women, complete with stunning images of them surrounded by the style components that define their work and art. The profilees include best-selling authors such as Betz White, Kayte Terry, Megan Nicolay, and Kathy Cano Murillo as well as popular bloggers such as Heather Bailey.

Here’s a sneak peek inside the pages of the book…

[ Comments Off on Signature Styles: Sneak Preview! | Posted on April 4th, 2011 ]

10 Reasons Books Make Great Gifts

Okay, maybe I’m partial to a couple of books in particular (see far right, nudgenudge), but I think books are just swell to give any time of year. The places they live–libraries, local bookshops, your own shelves–are some of the most magical places to visit, too. I’ve bought books for a number of people on my gift list and likewise, I hope there are some nice page-turners I can unwrap and ring in the New Year with. In a hyper-gadget-y world (oh, yes, I have a few myself), here are 10 reasons I think books make great gifts:

1. A book doesn’t need replacement batteries.

2. A book doesn’t need to be recharged.

3. Books are non-allergenic. (As long as they’re not from your grandpa’s dusty attic!)

4. A book allows you to hold a whole world in your hands.

5. A book is portable entertainment.

6. A book is a great conversation starter.

7. A book lets you travel without leaving your chair. (…or futon or love seat or couch or bed or other comfy-cozy spot!)

8. A book can teach you something you didn’t know before–a new skill, a new story, a new word.

9. Books won’t rot your teeth. (Though some of the totally sweet results might…)

10. A book is a gift you can open again and again…and again….!

And here’s what some other readers and writers have to say…from Dan Brown to Danielle Steel to Sandra Boynton to Valerie Bertinelli to Al Roker to Nick Hornby to Alec Baldwin and beyond–check out some of your favorite authors sharing why they think books make great gifts. What about you? Do you love books? Why?

[ 4 Comments | Posted on December 10th, 2010 ]