
Anaheim, CA @ CHA Winter Convention

I’m on the west coast this weekend, at the Cre8Time booth (#2443) from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM today, Sunday, January 12, 2014 with the @iLoveToCreate folks (booth #1008) here at #CHAShow (#CHA2014). Stop by to rest your weary feet and exercise your creativity, making jewelry out of T-shirt scraps! Yesterday we crafted necklaces, bracelets, earrings, brooches, and more, using all sorts of techniques. It’s a true TEE PARTY, with lots of your favorite crafters.

photo 1

Come hang with us:

Megan Nicolay (Generation T)
Jennifer Perkins (aka Naughty Secretary)
Jade Harrington (aka Jaderbomb)
Cathy Attix (aka Trinkets In Bloom)
Margot Potter (aka The Impatient Crafter)

and MORE!

Come stop by and say hi! I’ll be posting more pics soon…

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T-shirt Projects

T-shirt Transformer Scarf: Wear It Your Way!

Here’s an easy T-shirt transformation project from Generation T: Beyond Fashion (project #9, Transformer), courtesy of Homemade Holiday 101 that requires just one seam’s-worth of sewing! So if your crafty self is feeling at all unsure whether you’ll actually be able to knit that scarf in time for Christmas, grab the nearest two T-shirts (the larger the better), a pair of scissors, and a needle and thread (or a sewing machine!), and make a whole scarf-plus in about 10 minutes.

T-shirt Transformer

2 T-shirts of the same size (L or XL)
Chalk marker
Straight pins

Make it:
For step-by-step instructions and illustrations, go to Homemade Holiday 101: 30-minute Scarf.

Just a reminder that Generation T and Generation T: Beyond Fashion ebooks are on sale for $2.99 throughout the holiday season. Just head to to download!


[ Comments Off on T-shirt Transformer Scarf: Wear It Your Way! | Posted on December 17th, 2013 ]

Other Projects

DIY: Leaf Resist Skirt

As promised, here’s one more way to use leaves to influence your fall fashion. Rather than use tracings or stencils made from the leaves, I used the leaves themselves as the “mask” before painting. I laid them down on the skirt, added a touch of glue stick to encourage some of them to hold independently (to contend with the gentle breeze created by the spray paint), and peeled them up when I was done. Now that it’s December, and leaves may be scarcer, you can swap out the leaves for some paper snowflakes to get festive.

leaf skirt finish

-Denim skirt (or, start with an old pair of jeans, like I did!)
-Fabric spray paint (gold)
-Pressed leaves (collect freshly fallen leaves a day or two in advance and press them between pieces of plain paper in a heavy old book)
-Glue stick

Optional (if you plan to refashion your jeans into a skirt first):
-Seam ripper
-Sewing machine and matching thread
-Fabric scissors

Make it:
Lay the skirt flat on some newspaper (to protect your work surface).

leaf skirt 2

2. Arrange the leaves over the front. Dab the back of each leaf with a single dot of glue stick (just enough to hold it still at the center).

leaf skirt 3

3. Spray the gold fabric paint over the entire front of the shirt. Embrace the splatters!

leaf skirt 4

4. Peel up the leaves, set them aside, and let the skirt dry for a few minutes. Then flip the skirt over and reposition the leaves on the back before spraying again. Let dry completely (about 4 hours should do the trick, but check the instructions on the packaging of the paint) before wearing.

leaf skirt 5

5. Try it on!
leaf skirt finish 2

Gold Leaf Skirt


[ Comments Off on DIY: Leaf Resist Skirt | Posted on December 6th, 2013 ]

T-shirt Projects

DIY: A Holiday Tree-Shirt!

Coming off Thanksgiving, a holiday that many people abbreviate to “T-Day,” of course makes me think of T-shirts….and how EVERY DAY is Tee Day! So, move over scratchy holiday sweater. Here’s a simple, no-sew holiday T-shirt (ahem, tree-shirt) that I designed as part of Homemade Holiday 101 (#homemade101). It combines techniques from the Brokenhearted tee in Generation T (project #2) and Back in Action tee in Generation T: Beyond Fashion (project #101).

Holiday Tree-Shirt finish

(OH, and…CLICK THROUGH TO HOMEMADE HOLIDAY 101 where the Generation T and Generation T: Beyond Fashion ebooks are on sale for $2.99 for a limited time!)


-Red fitted T-shirt (mine has a small percentage Lycra)
-Green fitted tank top (or similar, to layer underneath)
-Disappearing ink fabric marker or fabric chalk marker
-Ruler/ straightedge
-Fabric scissors
-Safety pin or 1″ round pin

holiday shirt materials

Make it:

1. Turn the T-shirt inside out and, using the straightedge, draw an isosceles triangle with a small rectangle at the bottom (aka, a simplified evergreen tree shape). My tree is about 7″ across at its widest.

holiday shirt 1 generation-t

2. Use the straightedge again to mark horizontal lines from the base of the tree to the top, about 1/2″ to 3/4″ apart.

holiday shirt 3

3. Cut along the horizontal lines only, making sure to cut through only the top layer of the shirt.

holiday shirt 5

4. Cut all the way to the top, making a small snip (about 1/4″) at the peak of the tree. Tug gently at the sides of your T-shirt to stretch out the strips (so they curl a little).

holiday shirt 6

5. Turn the T-shirt right side out, and layer the green tank top underneath so you can see the shape of the tree clearly. You can stop right here and have a terrific-looking slashed tee, but forge on for another minute to get the woven effect: Take the first two strips at the trunk of your tree and loop strip #2 under strip #1. Drop strip #1. Then loop strip #3 under strip #2, dropping strip #2. And so on…

holiday shirt 8

6. …to the top! Safety pin the second-to-last loop through the top snip. Tuck the safety pin inside so it shows less, or embrace the shiny bit of sparkle. Or, for a little more flair, trim your tree with a personalized 1″ round pin (replacing the safety pin).

holiday shirt finish

7. Try it on. Then….Go sing carols! Bake cookies! Replace the safety pin at the top with a sparkly brooch so you have a shining star up on the highest bow!

Holiday Tree-Shirt finish 3


[ 5 Comments | Posted on December 2nd, 2013 ]


Tee Party at the Park Slope Library

Happy Thanksgiving/Hanukkah (Thanksgivikkah?)! Over here at Generation T, we’re thankful for YOU — the folks who read the site with dedication, those who populate Tee Party events, and those who just stop by from time to time to like a project on Facebook or look for some quick inspiration. Here’s an admittedly belated share of some highlights from the Tee Party we hosted at the local library in Brooklyn last month. I think the enthusiasm of the 35 or so folks who filled the room is ample proof that T-shirts don’t lose their luster the moment the temperatures drop!

PSLibrary Tee Party

Thanks so much to everyone who came to our little crafternoon — we had a great turnout, warm pizza to nourish our creativity, and the scissors were active!

Park Slope Tee Party2

And, to our lovely hosts, the Friends of Park Slope Library — thanks so much for having us!

PSLibrary Tee Party collage

I’m all for T-shirts 365 days a year! Show of hands–who’s on board with that idea?


[ 1 Comment | Posted on November 28th, 2013 ]

T-shirt Projects

Fall Fashion: Decorating with Leaves, 3 Ways!

Before the snowflakes make their grand and permanent seasonal entrance, I’m stuck on fall. The leaves are so beautiful this time of year in Brooklyn. I was up in New England for peak color, but even the last few weeks in Brooklyn have yielded a lovely array of color and variety.Leaf main

Of course, no matter how you try to keep them, the color fades, and they become dry and brittle. Here are three projects with a common autumnal theme that, like the snowflakes I made and painted last year, help make nature last a little longer.


INSPIRATION 1: DIY Leaf Stencil: This one starts with your basic stencil…

Leaf stencil materials
-variety of Tulip soft paints and/or Tulip 3D Fashion Paints (in shades of red, orange, and yellow)
Tulip sponge brushes and/or Tulip sponge pouncers
-variety of pressed leaves for inspiration
-sheet of card stock (or scrap manila folder)-pen or pencil
-scissors or craft knife and cutting mat
-plain T-shirt (lighter colors work best, but white is not required!)
-paint palette (or a plastic container from the recycling bin)
-scrap paper (optional) for inserting between the layers of a T-shirt

Make it:
For complete step-by-step instructions, visit the iLoveToCreate blog.

Leaf stencil paint finish

INSPIRATION 2: Reverse Leaf Stencil: This is the same concept as the stencil out of card stock, but you’re instead using freezer paper as your mask, and painting the space around the leaf.

Leaf reverse materials

-variety of Tulip Fabric Sprays (in shades of red, orange, and yellow)
-variety of pressed leaves for inspiration
-sheet of freezer paper
-pen or pencil
-scissors or craft knife and cutting mat
-iron and ironing board
-plain T-shirt or onesie (lighter colors work best, but, again, white is not required!)
-scrap paper (optional) for inserting between the layers of a T-shirt and to protect your work surface from paint

Make it:
For complete step-by-step instructions, visit the iLoveToCreate blog.

Leaf reverse peel

INSPIRATION 3: Glitter Leaf Appliqué: Like the reverse leaf stencil, you’re using the actual leaf shape (rather than the negative space) to create your decoration. The best part about this one? No waiting around during drying time–since there is no drying time!

Glitter leaf materials

Tulip Fashion Shimmer Iron-on Sheet (in gold)
-variety of pressed leaves for inspiration
-ballpoint pen
-scissors or craft knife and cutting mat
-iron and ironing board

-plain bib, T-shirt, or onesie

Make it:
For complete step-by-step instructions, visit the iLoveToCreate blog.

Glitter Leaf finish

Stay tuned next week for one more way to use autumn leaves as inspiration for decorating fabric. (PS: I made myself a really rad upcycled skirt!)

[ 1 Comment | Posted on November 26th, 2013 ]


Tee Party at Little Joe’s Books

Thank you to everyone who came out to refashion T-shirts at the Tee Party at Little Joe’s Books last month! We had tons of fun and created all sorts of T-shirt wonder. The Outer Lace tank top design from Generation T (project #16) made a few appearances, including a variation with laces going up the arms of the three-quarter length sleeves! So did the Back in Action T-shirt from Generation T: Beyond Fashion (project #101) — plus some freestylin’ hats and gloves and no-sew tote bags, using techniques learned from previous projects.

Little Joes Books Tee Party

There’s nothing I love more than a cozy crafternoon all spread out on the floor. Thanks to Jen Cook of Little Joe’s Books for having me at her store for a few hours. Part-tee on!

[ Comments Off on Tee Party at Little Joe’s Books | Posted on November 22nd, 2013 ]


New York, NY @ Michaels Craft Store

With apologies for the last-minute invitation….


…please come make a Pinterest-worthy seasonal project with Megan Nicolay of Generation T as well as your local inspiration specialists at the Michaels store location in Manhattan (808 Columbus Avenue) this weekend! Find us there from 1:00 – 4:00 PM, where we’ll be sharing tips, techniques, and creativity! If you’re not in the area, check in at your local Michaels store, because chances are, there’s a party happening there, too. And, lastly, if you want to follow along online, check in with Megan @MeganNicolay or @GenerationTee and look for #MPinterestParty and #ilovetocreate tags.

In partnership with:

Hope to see you there!

[ Comments Off on New York, NY @ Michaels Craft Store | Posted on November 8th, 2013 ]

T-shirt Projects

10 Quick & Easy T-shirt Halloween Costumes III

Well, I’ve started a tradition, serving all of you would-be Halloween revelers who are down to the wire when it comes to your costume. For the third year running (see year 1 and year 2 here), we have another 10 quick-and-easy T-shirt-based Halloween costumes. From the literary to the painterly, nerdy to the nostalgic, from pop culture to popcorn. In most cases, all you need is a blank T-shirt and some fabric paint or markers. First up, make a masterpiece in just a couple of hours — grab a frame and hit the trick-or-treating circuit!




-Plain white T-shirt (since I’m making a Mini Mondrian, it’s size 2T)
Scribbles 3D Fabric Paint (in black, red, blue, and yellow)
Tulip Fabric Paintbrushes
-Masking tape
-Scrap paper (to insert between the layers of the T-shirt in order to prevent the paint from seeping through)
-Newsprint paper or similar (to protect your work surface)


Make it:

 1. Visit the iLoveToCreate blog for the the full Mondrian Masterpiece Tutorial. See below for 9 more ideas for quick costumes!


#1 Mondrian Masterpiece. Create a masterpiece! Or wear one inspired by the works of Piet Mondrian.

#2 Waldo. Dress in stripes to be the title character (or his pal Wanda) from the children’s classic Where’s Waldo?  (You know, before Harry Potter came along to claim those round specs). Just pair with denim.

#3 Popcorn. There are plenty of a baby costumes for freshly popped popcorn (parents as popcorn vendors), but this T-shirt rendition is limited only by the size of your T-shirt.

#4 Crayon. Go solo as a blue crayon (don’t forget the sharpened top of the crayon!) or grab your friends and make a whole box of crayons.

#5 Mickey Mouse. Recognizable a mile away, add a pair of ears to top off this costume (and some yellow sneakers wouldn’t hurt either!). Swap out the bottom of the T-shirt for red with white polka dots for Mickey’s main squeeze, Minnie. 5Mickey

#6 Ketchup and Mustard. For couples, roommates, or other easily paired people, it’s everyone’s favorite condiments!

#7 Fifty Shades of Gray. A tame version of Fifty Shades of Gray that you could wear around the office. Alternatively, attach the actual Pantone color swatches all over the surface of the T-shirt.


#8 Your Favorite Joke. I used my all-time favorite joke. But you should insert your own: Setup on the front, punchline in back!8Joke

#9 Twister. Twister falls into that beloved classic family game category with the likes of Sorry!, Scrabble, and Pictionary. Fashion the spinner into a headpiece to complete the look!

#10 Copy and Paste. Nerd alert! Perfect for twins (or bestie lookalikes), “Copy” and “Paste” (for Macs). Slight modifications (Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V) should be made for PCs.


Safe and happy haunting!



[ 1 Comment | Posted on October 29th, 2013 ]


Generation T, eBook Edition!

I’m so happy to announce, one year after its younger sister was made available as an eBook, and 7 years after its initial print publication, that Generation T: 108 Ways To Transform a T-shirt is now a Generation T eBook! Happily, you may now enjoy the original 108 ways to transform a T-shirt via your tablet e-reader of choice — Nook, Kindle, iPad or iPhone, Kobo, and so on — the works!

Let me know what you think of the eBook experience! (Especially if you have a paper book, too — how do they compare?)

[ Comments Off on Generation T, eBook Edition! | Posted on September 27th, 2013 ]