So read my fortune cookie message from the Vietnamese place where I ate lunch today… I enjoyed many an adventure that afternoon, so it’s hard to tell to which new friend it referred. My day started early with a morning show appearance with host Denise, who proudly refashioned a halter top on air!
One of my favorite stops today was at the Elliot Bay independent bookstore. What a place. For someone who finds bookstores to be especially magical places, this one definitely makes my top ten. It was a special stop for me since, if you turn to pages 94, 138, and the last page in the color insert in the book, you’ll notice the Double Crosser skirt is made from none other than an Elliot Bay T-shirt! (Mind you, the shirt made quite a journey in getting to me—I originally bought it off eBay along with a few other hand-me-down tees.) The sisterhood of the traveling T-shirt? Hm. Very full circle. I love it. I met Peter, the owner of that fine book establishment, and he indulged me once more with a new T-shirt to make into something special… Now, what will I do next? Any suggestions?
The book event was lovely. We refashioned a few tees, handed out free scissors, and then I even got to play in the photo booth—one of my favorite pastimes—there in the bookstore. (Right next to the giant chess board.)
After my totally adorable model, Bailey, was kind enough to stand on a chair for twenty minutes while I refashioned her a tank top, she was kind enough to make me feel like a rockstar by having me sign it. I think this may be the first T-shirt I’ve ever signed—thanks Bailey!).
My bookstore host for the evening even made her own version of project #31 Queen of Braids. Fantastic! I love it!
PS: A big Happy Birthday to Luke from the other side of the country! I couldn’t be farther away right now…