Other Projects

DIY Wedding — Embroidery Style

One of my best friends got married last weekend, and now that I won’t be giving away the surprise, I’m posting a gift I made for the ceremony. The bride’s nephew was playing the part of ring-bearer and I decided to make a pillow to match his blue searsucker pants (and to keep the rings from getting lost at the hands of a five-year-old!). Since both last names start with a “G,” that was the base of the design. I found a font a liked, increased the size, and traced two facing Gs onto the white fabric with a disappearing ink fabric pen. I gathered three blue and green colors–the bridesmaids all wore “colors of the ocean,” so I wanted to make sure the waves and the seaweed were well represented.


Then I drew in some extra swirls and started stitching! Satin stitch on the inside of the Gs, split stitch for the outlines and swirls, running stitch around the edge (reinforced by a machine stitch underneath), and a couple little knots to sew the ribbon on in the center.


I also added an elastic strap on the underside so it would stay put on the ring bearer’s hand. Here it is in action:


For those of you keeping a tally, this is my seventh embroidery project (a cloud pillow, a day of the dead skull, a World/Inferno band logo tie, a golden ratio tie, a pair of valentine swap personalized panties, an apron, and a ring pillow!) Any suggestions for what should come next?

[ Comments Off on DIY Wedding — Embroidery Style | Posted on June 8th, 2009 ]


From the {Threadbanger} Archives…

In one of Threadbanger’s first episodes (and Generation T’s very first appearance), Rob and Corinne from Threadbanger refashion one of the no-sew tank tops from Generation T. it was featured on YouTube in March 2007, and has since garnered almost half a million views. Not too shabby!

[ Comments Off on From the {Threadbanger} Archives… | Posted on June 4th, 2009 ]

More Fun

The New Book is Here!

I’m so excited to have a copy of my new book, Generation T: Beyond Fashion: 120 New Ways to Transform a T-shirt, land on my lap this morning! (A week earlier than expected, I might add.) Forgive the backwards image, I didn’t have my camera at the time–just my computer camera–but just to prove it’s for real:


Check back soon for tour dates–I may be visiting a city near you and would love to see you!

[ 1 Comment | Posted on May 19th, 2009 ]

More Fun

Happy Mother's Day!

Now, I’m not a mama, but I sure do have a mama, and I was lucky enough to spend the weekend with her. We explored my neighborhood in Brooklyn, made delicious feasts, checked out the craft fair in Prospect Park, went to a picnic—many of my very favorite things. When I was growing up, my mom taught me a lot about crafting. She taught me my first hand stitches, she looked over my shoulder the first time I tackled her old Singer (which was followed by the newer Brother), and now we both have the same Janome sewing machine (tandem sewing across states!). So give your mom a hug (whether in person or over the phone or some other alternate way you’ve discovered to send special hug vibes). Here’s a picture of me and my mom from a few years back—we’re both wearing project #2, Brokenhearted, from my first book. She made hers to surprise me when I came into town for a bookstore workshop. And don’t forget the skirts! Mom’s wearing the Road Trip skirt (project #64); I’m wearing Flare Thee Well (project #61):


[ Comments Off on Happy Mother's Day! | Posted on May 10th, 2009 ]

Book Reviews

Stencil Satisfaction

Stencil 101: Make Your Mark with 25 Reusable Stencils and Step-by-Step Instructions

by Ed Roth (Chronicle Books, 2008)

I met Ed Roth of Stencil 1 a few years back at one of the indie craft fairs. He had recently gotten a book deal and we were talking shop. Well, now the book is out, I just bought myself a copy — and it’s awesome!


I love stencils–I went around Greece and Turkey in 2007 photographing all my favorite graffiti stencil art (fun fact: I likeness of me was once stenciled on several sidewalks around NYC’s lower east side advertising my brother’s band at the time); I of course love stenciling as a way to embellish and customize T-shirts; but how about bookcases, dressers, sneakers (or heels!), or…cake! I hadn’t necessarily thought of confectioner’s sugar or cocoa powder as having some shared qualities with spray paint, but now I have to try it. I’m thinking about making a chocolate cake with some powdered sugar scissors all over it… Stay tuned!

[ 1 Comment | Posted on April 28th, 2009 ]


Threadbanger (and Gen T) on CBS!

Our friends over at Threadbanger were featured on CBS–congrats Rob and Corinne. Oh, and look closely for a very brief Generation T cameo!

Watch CBS Videos Online

[ Comments Off on Threadbanger (and Gen T) on CBS! | Posted on April 9th, 2009 ]

Book Reviews

Handmade Nation

Handmade Nation: The Rise of DIY, Art, Craft, and Design

by Faythe Levine and Cortney Heimerl (Princeton Architectural Press, 2008)

Yesterday I attended a panel discussion with the authors to help celebrate the release of Handmade Nation: The Rise of DIY Art, Craft, And Design at the PowerHouse Books Arena in DUMBO. To those who have been following, this has been quite a labor of love for Faythe Levine (founder of Milwaukee-based fair Art vs. Craft) who started filming a documentary in 2006, traveling to fifteen cities, and interviewing eighty DIYers/makers/crafters/artist who have been described as the “new wave” of American indie craft. (I have tickets to a screening at Museum of Art and Design on Sunday and can’t wait!) In the process, she teamed up with Cortney Heimerl to write a book to accompany the film.


I bought a copy and couldn’t wait to flip through to read the essays, see the artists in their studios, see the work they create, and so on and on and on. It’s a visually rich catalog of color, texture, and patterns from some of the country’s best makers and shakers like Jenny Hart, Stephanie Syjuco, Jill Bliss, Nikki McClure, Jennifer Perkins, and more. The indie handmade movement has grown so large over the past several years that it would be impossible to capture it all in a 176-page book, but nevertheless this book is a healthy snapshot of the regions of handmade across the country. It’s beautifully made book.

[ Comments Off on Handmade Nation | Posted on February 12th, 2009 ]


Beyond Fashion Photo Shoot!

Here’s a great video that the photographer for my new book, Rafael Fuchs, just posted. A little sneak peak of the forthcoming new book!

[ 2 Comments | Posted on December 10th, 2008 ]


Photo Shoot in DUMBO and beyond…

Over the past four days, we’ve been tackling a challenging task over at Generation T! A four-day photo shoot in November (seriously, there were flurries one morning) while pretending it’s T-shirt (and tank top) weather. All the guys and gals who came out and braved the cold would have placed well in ANTTM (that would be America’s Next Top T-shirt Model, of course). Here are some behind-the-scenes pics from the shoot.

Tisola rocking the Fender Bender tank top (project #92) and Bonnie getting her hair done:


Bonnie and Brent with the sweet orange Vespa; Megan turning the tables on photographer Rafael Fuchs at he bowling alley:


Zach and Tisola with coats on, right before it’s time to shoot, at the Manhattan Bridge; Bonnie pushing that Mini Cooper.


And let’s not forget the cover shoot! Last shot of the four days. Exhausting!


Update: For some more great pics, check out the Workman Publishing blog for some more behind-the-scenes action posted by Danielle from the Workman photo department.

[ Comments Off on Photo Shoot in DUMBO and beyond… | Posted on November 21st, 2008 ]

Adventures, More Fun

One Last Stand, One Last Tee Party

Thanks so much for all of you who came out for the Tee Party trilogy 2008–over three weekends, while fueling up on Joe’s pizza and Jacques’ cookies, Team Generation T finished nearly all of the projects in time for the photo shoot! Some pics….

Chloe working on the Central Cooking apron (project #41); Mary Heath cutting up strips for the A Lead of Their Own doggie lead (project #196):


Luke sews up Plastic Surgery grocery tote (project #42); Terri pins together Stop, Crop, and Roll tank top (project #10):


Cori cuts out pieces for Pom-pom Circumstance toddler hat (project #54); Luke measures out and marks Snug as  a Bug in a Shrug twisted shrug (project #16).


Thanks so much–not even a million melted, gooey Jacques Torres cookies could ever come close to expressing my appreciation!

[ Comments Off on One Last Stand, One Last Tee Party | Posted on November 9th, 2008 ]