
WCBS in New York, NY

It was a late night followed by an early morning here in New York City! Up at 4:30 a.m. to make it to the CBS studios by 6:00! The morning show was in the 6 to 7 hour on WCBS-TV, presided over by the smart and fabulous Cindy Hsu, Mary Calvi, and Megan Glaros. Cindy and I made the Pinup Girl halter (surprise!) and had great fun. Here’s the link to the segment, until I can figure out how to embed it!

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MAD for T-shirts!

What a night at the Museum of Art and Design (MAD)! To those among the over one hundred who came through the workshop studios last night–thanks for stopping in to create the rock star atmosphere, and thanks for sticking around for lots and lots–and lots!–of T-shirt refashioning. The evening began at 5:30 with my first ever live podcast on Etsy Labs, moderated by the lovely Julie. People signed on from all corners of the globe while I transformed a T-shirt worn by the lovely Jessica (of MAD) into a halter top.

1-3) Then “moderator Julie” of Etsy seamlessly (ha!) transitioned into the role of “model Julie” as she put on a T-shirt while I demonstrated how to make the ever-popular Back in Action T-shirt:


It was back to the halter top an hour later, as Christina, also of Etsy, stepped up on the demo stool to face the scissors! But more exciting was seeing what all of you were up to.

4) Digging into the piles of T-shirts that MAD and Etsy scavenged from a Brooklyn Salvation Army store.  5) Showing off cutting and looping techniques to make Back in Action.  6) More Back in Action (it’s a popular design!–find it in book 2, project 101!)


7) An “apron halter”–made with a Martha show T-shirt. 8 ) Hmm….what T-shirt to choose? 9) Hems make great drawstring material!


10) Well, what does the book say? 11) And what does the book say here? 12) Getting down to business with those scissors…


13) Expanding and embellishing a too-small T-shirt with Outer Lace (project #16 from the first book). 14) Poking holes down the sides on that Outer Lace project… 15) And putting it on in order to put on the finishing touches–I like her style!

dscn3811dscn3785dscn381511) 16) Hyun purchased a copy for her maternity-bound boss–see the Kid Rock chapter! 17) Hard at work… 18 ) T-shirt scraps can be braided to make any number of accessories–like headbands, necklaces, handbags, and here, a bracelet!


19) Back in Action (project #101) was clearly the crowd favorite, whether it be in purple… 20) Gray, aqua… 21) Or minty green — hi Mom!


22) Here, the Back in Action top gets some full frontal attention! 23) And this party-goer reminds us not to leave out the sleeves. 24) An oldie but goody, here’s Tying Game, project #33 from the first book!


And thanks again to MAD and Etsy for the abundance of orphaned T-shirts  they provided so that all of us, with a little bit of shear genius, could give them loving homes!

[ Comments Off on MAD for T-shirts! | Posted on August 14th, 2009 ]


New York, NY @ Museum of Art and Design

Go MAD for T-shirt refashioning!

Come to a free event at the Museum of Art and Design (MAD) to learn some no-sew T-shirt refashioning techniques. It’s part of the “DIY Thursdays” summer workshop series presented in collaboration with Etsy. Bring an old T-shirt or two and stop by! (Books will be available, too, of course!)

2 Columbus Circle
New York, NY 10019

Also, if you’re not in the city, don’t fret, you can still “attend” online by joining Etsy’s Virtual Labs for a live demo of the project at 5:30 p.m. EST on Thursday. (Click here to see what time 5:30 p.m. EST is in your hometown.)

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More Fun

T-shirt Madness at Threadbanger

The Generation T T-shirt transformation contest over at Threadbanger is closed, and to recognize all the entries, Threadbanger is dedicating all of next week, Monday through Friday, to T-shirt Madness!!! (i.e. sharing tutorials from the the runner-ups!).  More projects is always more fun. In the meantime, starting today, the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st place winners are going to be announced. Tune in today, Wednesday, August 5, 2009 for the third place winner, Thursday, August 6, 2009 for the second place winner, and Friday, August 7, 2009 for the first place winner–all at Threadbanger. Snip, snip, snip!

[ 3 Comments | Posted on August 5th, 2009 ]


Chicago Parent Magazine

I wish I had a print version to share, but luckily Chicago Parent put it up on their website, too! Click through and you’ll also have access to  instructions for the toddler dress featured in the article.


[ Comments Off on Chicago Parent Magazine | Posted on July 28th, 2009 ]


City of Seattle

First off: Happy Birthday, Mom! It’s your day!


After an early morning, I got to drop my bags in my room and head out to explore before my event tonight. Less than a block and I was in the Public Market! I roamed all over, from the 1) fish market to the 2) fresh flowers…

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…the 3) the cheese curd cauldron to the 4) crazy car installation in the rafters of the Seattle Art Museum atrium…

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…to 5) the art of the Olympic Sculpture park, perfectly framing the Space Needle behind it. I stopped and rested and read a book beneath a 6) rotating ampersand…

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…before heading back to my hotel to get ready for the bookstore event tonight. 7) What a view from the hotel deck! 8 ) I got to watch the sun set over the Public Market.

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[ Comments Off on City of Seattle | Posted on July 21st, 2009 ]


Ravenna 3rd Place Books, #1 in My Heart

The last bookstore event of the tour proper was an intimate affair at the 1) Third Place Books Ravenna location. Bittersweet and cozy as my travels approach a temporary end. 2) We were tucked among some shelves of classics and surrounded by friends new and old.

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3) Special thanks to Kemeya, Bailey, Kai, Maya, Kat, Mike, Stan, and Lauren for coming out for some scissor snipping!


4) My pals Stan and Lauren! 5) Signing a big old stack o’ books…

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6) Checking out the spread of projects.


7) Any questions? 8 ) Kat gets Mo’ Rock with her Mohawk.

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9) More books! 11) Adios, west coast! Thanks everyone for coming! It’s back to Brooklyn for a bit.

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Fox News This Morning in Seattle, WA

It was an early morning at Fox News with hosts Mark Wright and Lily Jang and the rest of the newsroom team. I flew in this morning and went straight to the TV studio. It was a fun segment, and I’m about ready for a nap!



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Tee Party at Powell's!

Powell’s City of Books is like a whole extra city on the book tour — between Portland and Seattle, it’s as if there’s nestled this independent republic called Powell’s. Thanks to everyone who made it out tonight! 1) Me with the suitcase I’ve been living and working out of for the past three weeks. 2) At the super fancy podium at Powell’s–seriously cool.


3) Then there’s Shawn, my model for the evening — how fantastic! 4) Not only did she show up to the event wearing a full-length T-shirt dress she made herself, she trusted me entirely not to inadvertently snip either her dress or her ponytail. (Note the ponytail holder made from a scrap sleeve piece!) 5) And voila! The finish. Betcha didn’t see that one coming.


6) Lots o’ signed books; 7) Fun with the samples (that’s the no-sew faux-hawk hat as well as the Up in My Grill mitt). 8 ) I love meeting Tee-timers from all over!


9) Friends in triplicate! 10) It was a family affair: Dads, moms, sisters, brothers, grandmothers…a nice mixer! And here’s where I give a shout-out to a reader, Onyx, who couldn’t make it out tonight, but whose dad showed up to represent! 11) Look at all those books. I signed every. last. one.


[ Comments Off on Tee Party at Powell's! | Posted on July 20th, 2009 ]


AM Northwest in Portland, OR

This morning in Portland on AM Northwest, my host was the lovely and fun Helen Raptis. There was a great studio audience–all wearing bright orange T-shirts that looked ripe for T-shirt refashioning!


[ 2 Comments | Posted on July 20th, 2009 ]