Media, T-shirt Projects


Screen shot 2009-11-12 at 10.39.18 AMCourtesy of our friends across the pond at iSew (in support of sewing of a creative hobby–hey, I can get behind that!) as well as all your friends right here at Generation T, here’s a tutorial for “The Dartful Dodger” tank top, project #14 from Generation T: Beyond Fashion). Bonus: T-shirts aren’t just for summer–you can layer this over a long-sleeved shirt in the colder months, too!

[ Comments Off on iSew! | Posted on November 12th, 2009 ]

T-shirt Projects

Happy Halloween!

DSCN5033DSCN5095Happy halloween! For all my REALLY last-minute peeps, here’s a quick hint on how to use the technique from the Back in Action T-shirt design (project #101 from Generation T: Beyond Fashion) to make the spider web design I wore to the Michaels craft store grand opening.

Some hints: 1) Cut slits (about 1/2″ to 1″ apart) resembling the pattern shown below in the diagram. 2) Note the shorter slits for the outermost cuts to prevent big gaps on the outside of your spider web. 3) Loop from the outer slits in to the center. 4) Stitch or safety pin loops at the center (stitches are better in this version because there’s less bulk).

Picture 1

[ 8 Comments | Posted on October 31st, 2009 ]

Media giveaway!

brokelyn-bag-and-books2-250x167Excitement abounds! Today on, you have the chance to win not one, not two, but three special Generation T items:  1) a copy of the Generation T book, 2) a copy of the Generation T: Beyond Fashion book, and 3) a limited edition totebag (photo, right, by Eric Reichbaum; more views below), made by me from a Brokelyn T-shirt. Not long ago, I met up with Brokelyn writer Trevor Dye to talk T-shirts for his upcoming post. He handed off the T-shirt, I handed off the books, and afterwards, I headed home to my collection of T-shirts to pick out the perfect soft black T-shirt to use on the reverse of the tote. The bag came out super cute (if I do say so myself) and I am now committed to sending it off to a good home. To enter the giveaway, click to join the Brokelyn. com email list by midnight on Wednesday, November 4. (All new and existing subscribers will be eligible, and per Brokelyn, you’ll receive additional contest details on Thursday, November 5.)

If you’d like to make your own tote in the meantime, the instructions can be found on page 210 of Generation T: 108 Ways to Transform a T-shirt (it’s project number #84, Rock the Tote).


[ Comments Off on giveaway! | Posted on October 29th, 2009 ]

T-shirt Projects

Halloween Costumes and a Trick-or-Treat Tote!

Need last-minute costume ideas? Beyond sticking a load of Peeps all over a black T-shirt (you’re a “chick magnet,” get it?), or drawing a zigzag  black line across a yellow T-shirt (Charlie Brown!), or grabbing a buddy with a red T-shirt to be a Dr. Suess-ian “Thing 1” and “Thing 2,” there bagare so many other costumes and accessories to make from your stash of old T-shirts using just a pair of scissors (and maybe a needle and thread).

For all you procrastinators, click through for two no-sew tutorials for a superhero cape (or a Dracula cape or a royal cape!) and a hula skirt (luau!) from Generation T: Beyond Fashion in an entry I wrote for the Workman blog…PLUS…ditch that plastic bag by learning to make your very own T-shirt trick-or-treat bag right here!!

Happy Haunting…

#42 Plastic Surgery

(tote for treats–or for groceries, the other 364 days a year)

1 T-shirt (M, L, or XL)
chalk marker




[ 13 Comments | Posted on October 26th, 2009 ]


Michaels Grand Opening

What a blast! Balloons, scissors, T-shirts…a real party, people! Though I didn’t make it in time for the ribbon-cutting ceremony, there was plenty of time for cutting (T-shirts, that is) with Generation T from noon to 1 pm this past Sunday!


1) Lots of demos to cram in an hour! 2) Here are three sisters who sure know how to convert old T-shirt sleeves (headbands!). 3) Thanks to all the Michaels staff who helped out and were my willing models!


[ 1 Comment | Posted on October 26th, 2009 ]


Michaels Takes Manhattan!

I’m so excited about this event that I had to post again! Starting Sunday and going on for a week, there’ll be guest authors, crafters, and plenty of discounts to celebrate the Grand Opening of Michaels in Manhattan! My scissors are itching to cut up some T-shirts, my Sharpie is poised and ready to sign books–ooh, and if you buy a book at the store while I’m there between 12 pm and 1 pm, I will personally hand you a FREE pair of awesomely sharp scissors (pointy side down, of course) to take home. For more info about the event click here. For 40% off one regular priced item at Michaels next week, click here to print your Michaels coupon.

Michaels coupon

[ 5 Comments | Posted on October 22nd, 2009 ]


Let’s Talk Live!

Yesterday I was able to extend my stay in our nation’s fair capital with a visit to Channel 8 News’ “Let’s Talk Live” afternoon show with hosts Natasha Barrett and Doug McKelway. Natasha and I gabbed about DIY, projects for baby showers, and why T-shirts are so darn unintimidating (they’re so easy! they’re so lovable! they’re so inviting!). I’ll have pictures soon to post from this weekend’s event in Washington D.C. at the Proper Topper (where they still have signed books available for sale for those of you in the area)–and thanks to everyone who came out despite the cold (and the heat)!

[ 5 Comments | Posted on October 20th, 2009 ]


The Proper Topper in DC

Despite the temperature being a tad chilly for T-shirt wearing, it didn’t slow down the T-shirt refashioning! We had a lovely turnout at the Proper Topper in Georgetown on Sunday…

1) The Tee Party!! 2) The spread… 3) Your lovely hosts in the Proper Topper garden, the craft*mongers, Erica and Tara!


4) Cutting the Pinup Girl halter (while I’m wearing a sweater!). 5) Pinning her up! 6) Ellen and Oliver’s Back in Action


7) More Back in Action 8 ) And more…. 9) And more…


10) …and even more Back in Action! 11) Pinning up Linda 12) Linda and Elia, top T-shirt models, extraordinaires!


Thanks, everyone, for hanging in there, through the cold and the melting space heater! It was fun. And check out the craft*mongers on Facebook for more awesome pics!

[ Comments Off on The Proper Topper in DC | Posted on October 19th, 2009 ]

T-shirt Projects

Coast to coasters!

Three T-shirts. Twenty coasters. Three thousand eight hundred fifty-seven miles. I made these coasters (project #33 from Generation T: Beyond Fashion) for the Workman international sales department to take to a publisher’s dinner in Germany during the 2009 Frankfurt Book Fair. I love this project because the coasters are cute, super-absorbent, and on the occasion that you do suffer a spill, you can just toss them in with the laundry for a quick reset. (Plus, if you’re making a full set from one T-shirt, you can make the pieces come together in a mini-puzzle of sorts–it’s fun for the whole family!)


Make a set of six as a gift for the hostess with the mostest, for a housewarming party, or for your run-of-the-mill coffee or tea sipping at a late night cram session in the ole dorm room. Don’t forget to post pics of your own projects over at the Generation T fan Facebook page… we love to see what you’re up to!


[ 3 Comments | Posted on October 18th, 2009 ]

Media, T-shirt Projects

Screen shot 2009-11-12 at 11.19.17 AMBlast from the past! Over the summer, Earth911 ran an article as part of their “Green Eight” series in which they regularly recommend 8 ways you can make your life greener in a various categories of life. Well, July 27th was the day for T-shirts! Here are the 8 basics that editor Raquel Fagan includes (with my parenthetical notes!), but click through to read the full article:

1. Shopping bag (Martha did one; so did we!)

2. Pillowcase (simple enough!)

3. Quilts (project #88 in Generation T and project #63 in the GT: Beyond Fashion for a no-sew version!)

4. Rag Rug (see projects #97 in Generation T for a no-sew shaggy rug or #96 for a braided spiral rug!)

5. Wedding Dress (the article includes this one from Craft:, but let’s not forget project #108 in Generation T!)

6. Scarf (so many to choose from–1 pattern in Generation T, 3 more in GT: Beyond Fashion!)

7. All types of bags (here and here! plus at least 5 more!)

8. Not enough…how about 100 more? (Those would be here; and make that plus another 120!)

[ 1 Comment | Posted on October 16th, 2009 ]