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Countdown Giveaway #9

DSCN5375What was inside pocket #9? Our winner today is Elaura, whose favorite time to craft is whenever she has a snow day from school–that way, “I get to crank up the heater, stay in my jammies, and sew all day when I would’ve had school!” Her Generation T surprise is a magnetic pin tag necklace–magnetic pin wand meets fashion. Congratulations, Elaura!

To be in the running to win tomorrow’s surprise in pocket #8, email me by midnight tonight (EST) with the subject line “First Time” and a sentence describing your first craft project. Don’t forget to include your mailing address so I can send you the prize if you win!

When the clock strikes midnight, entries are closed for the day. I will randomly select a winner and announce that winner tomorrow morning.

Don’t forget, YOU CAN ENTER EVERY DAY! So if you have your eye on a prize that hasn’t been claimed, you can enter again tomorrow!

[ Comments Off on Countdown Giveaway #9 | Posted on December 13th, 2009 ]

More Fun, T-shirt Projects

From Our Readers: Rebecca!

From the mailbag: Rebecca from Wyoming writes that she made the Pin-up Girl halter top for her…dogs! She wanted to make them bright-colored vests so they wouldn’t be mistaken for wild animals when she took them hiking during hunting season. Rebecca used the Generation T halter top pattern as described in project #1 in the book (minus the pin), then cut an approximately 4″ slit from the center of the bottom front edge.  Her dogs, Mbera and Yaz, wear the halter backwards. Rebecca tied the corners created by the slit at the dogs’ backs to make the vest more fitted.

Here they are, the pinup pooches, outfitted and ready for an outdoor outing!


Rebecca reports that Mbera and Yaz find their vests very comfortable–and the bright oranges sure make them stand out!


Don’t forget to check out Chapter 5: Pet Central in Generation T: Beyond Fashion for more ideas and inspiration.

[ 1 Comment | Posted on December 12th, 2009 ]

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Countdown Giveaway #10

DSCN5377What was inside pocket #10? Congratulations to our first winner! Amy P.’s Generation T surprise is red flock iron-on ransom note letters with a skull and crossbones decals.

To be in the running to win tomorrow’s surprise in pocket #9, email me (megan @ by midnight tonight (EST) with the subject line “Craft Time” and a sentence telling me when your favorite time to craft is and why. Don’t forget to include your mailing address so I can send you the prize if you win!

When the clock strikes midnight, entries are closed for the day. I will randomly select a winner and announce that winner tomorrow morning.

Don’t forget, YOU CAN ENTER EVERY DAY! So if you have your eye on a prize that hasn’t been claimed, you can enter again tomorrow!

[ 1 Comment | Posted on December 12th, 2009 ]

More Fun, T-shirt Projects

DIY Pocket Calendar Full of Gifts for YOU!

We’re comfortably into December now and many of the holiday countdowns are upon us. Between these great roundups at WhipUp and Threadbanger, the advent airwaves are crowded…but let’s not forget our fair T-shirt. (Never!)

I made the Final Countdown pocket calendar (project #35 in Generation T: Beyond Fashion) using 1 large T-shirt as the base (cut off the bottom of the T-shirt just below the sleeves, then up the side to make a large rectangle), several T-shirt pockets (or you can cut and stitch on your own from sleeves and other scraps), and iron-on letters to personalize it. I ran a drawstring through the hem (now oriented at the top) to tie it at each end–or you can simply use tacks to pin it to the wall.

Despite its name, this DIY project can be used again and again and again–and again!


In fact, this one can be used for every event around the year. Celebrate the eight nights of Hanukkah, the twelve days of Christmas, or the countdown to your VIP’s next birthday, an anniversary, or your own graduation. Fill it with candy, cookies, gift cards, handmade coupons, knick knacks, paper fortunes, or other party favors.

But to kick off some serious fun, we’re giving away Generation T surprises in celebration of the “Ten Days of Solstice.” There happen to be 10 pockets in this countdown calendar, so this season Generation T is excited to count down to the day of the maximum tilt of the Earth’s equator! Exciting.

Starting today, you can enter to win one of the ten Generation T items shown here. The first winner will be announced tomorrow, December 12, and new surprise will be given away each day until Monday, December 21.


Each pocket on the Final Countdown calendar represents a surprise gift that I’m raffling off daily. (Mr. T mixed them all up, so even I don’t know “what’s behind door number 1.”)

Here’s what happens:

1. To enter to win the prize in pocket #10, email me (megan @ during the day today (December 11) until midnight (Eastern Standard Time), with the subject line “My DIY High” and one sentence about what gives you the DIY high. Don’t forget to include your mailing address so I can send you the prize if you win!

2. Your email qualifies you for the daily raffle to win what’s in pocket #10.

3. When the clock strikes midnight (EST), entries are closed for that day. I will  select a winner at random and announce that winner the following morning. I will also announce the new prompt (subject line/email) needed to enter to win the next daily prize (again, entries will be accepted until midnight, EST).

YOU CAN ENTER EVERY DAY! Any questions, leave them in the comments…

[ 3 Comments | Posted on December 11th, 2009 ]

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Bust Magazine Holiday Craftacular!

DSCN5363I was doing some holiday shopping at the Bust Magazine Holiday Craftacular in NYC on Sunday when I came across a vendor who was selling these embellished fingerless gloves using Generation T iron-on letters! Karen Holley (of Artist & Fleas) designed these bad boys using red and black ransom letters to spell sentiments like “Live Hard,” “Don’t Care,” “Love Hate,” and my personal fave, “Broo-klyn.” See, it’s not all about the T-shirts all the time (just mostly, and most of the time!).

‘Tis the holiday season, which means holiday craft fairs. If you’re not making gifts yourself, might I recommend shopping handmade? If you’re in the NYC area, and if you missed the Handmade Cavalcade or the Martha Stewart Holiday Craft Fair or the Craftacular last weekend (mark your calendars for next year!)… you can still hit up the Handmade Holiday Craft Fair at 3rd Ward in Brooklyn this Saturday from 12-6 pm or the Brooklyn Flea pop-up shop, Gifted, or…or the Brooklyn Lyceum Holiday Craft Fair on December 19 and 20! Take a look around the web to find what crafty goodness is in your neck of the woods this holiday season.

[ 2 Comments | Posted on December 8th, 2009 ]

More Fun, T-shirt Projects

Shake It Up, Baby!

Besides all the cooking and baking and cheese-plate making that happened over Thanksgiving (playing host to 14 adults, 1 preschooler, and 1 newly adopted kitten), there was also the task of entertaining the little one (our adorable niece) as she scrambled around underfoot. So Mr. T and I put together a big pink bag-o-fun tote that she could dig into whenever she got bored. Of course Generation T made it into the bag: the Shake It Up Baby skirt (no-sew project #59 in book 2), made from a bunch of sleeves and other scraps in my workshop. I’m glad a took a picture of it before our niece tried it on, because as you can see, she didn’t stop moving once she had it on (between dancing to the music we had on and charging at me from down the hallway–that’s a lot of blur to try to catch on camera!).

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And because I was on a roll,  I went ahead and made a skirt for another young friend of mine and mailed it out in a care package I had been sitting on for months. The skirt was lightly longer (she’s a little older), and with purple and blue color strips this time! This is such a great project because it a) gives a use for all those scraps b) is no-sew c) is super easy–seriously, it will only take you about 15 to 20 minutes d) is ridiculous fun for the wearer!


And, as a variation, if your tiny dancer likes bling, you can always glue on some “gems,” buttons, felt shapes, or feathers at the bottom of each fringe strip.

Let’s not forget our four-legged guest–the kitten was also in need of entertainment, once she got over the massive crowd invading her space. We tied extra T-shirt strips to the arms of a wooden chair and let them dangle there with a knot at the end so she’d have something to grab hold of. Whenever she was feeling playful, she wandered by and attacked! The T-shirt strips are perfect because they’re springy; when she releases them from her grip, they snap back and bounce around like they have a mind of their own. I’ve now added a Mouse Padded (stuffed cat toy, project #67) to my “to make” list…

[ 6 Comments | Posted on November 30th, 2009 ]

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A Tree-shirt!

Picture 2Just for fun! Recently, German illustrator Christoph Niemann shared examples of “Bio-Diversity” in the irreverent cut leaf projects featured on his Abstract City blog last week. The “Tree-Shirt” is obviously my favorite, but for more creative species (like a “Push Pine” or the “Un-Poplar” or the “Alder Ego”), click here!

[ 4 Comments | Posted on November 29th, 2009 ]


More from AC Moore

Thanks to everyone who came out yesterday to take part in the ongoing celebration for the Grand Opening at AC Moore in Willow Grove, PA. It turned out to be a nice road trip getting there and back, not to mention all the goodies  (I can never hold back in a craft store!) I stocked up on while I was there. Oh, it’s going to be  a busy next few weeks.

1) and 2) Demonstrations…

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3) signing books, 4) and more demonstrations!

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[ Comments Off on More from AC Moore | Posted on November 22nd, 2009 ]


Screen shot 2009-11-19 at 12.02.16 PMOver at Tiny Choices, Jenn and Karina are giving away a copy of Generation T: Beyond Fashion–yippee! All you have to do is leave a comment on their post describing your favorite crafting tool. Anyone can enter, whether you’re a scissor sistah (or bro), a glue gun slinger,  knitting needle natural, a wrench wrangler, or…. . Hurry on over and comment already! The winner will be chosen on Thursday, November 26, so check back at Tiny Choices on Thanksgiving.

[ 3 Comments | Posted on November 19th, 2009 ]


Willow Grove, PA @ AC Moore

Another GRAND OPENING celebration! Please join Generation T next Saturday from 3:00 to 5:00 pm as we smash the proverbial champagne bottle across the bow of another new crafty ship (just swap out the bottle for a pair of scissors and the ship for a T-shirt and you’re golden). As usual, I’ll bring my Sharpie to sign books and I’ll pack my sharpest scissors to present a new demo every 15 minutes or so. Hope to see you there!

AC Moore
Willow Grove Shopping Center
110 Park Avenue
Willow Grove, PA 19090