Several months ago, my friend Kristina invited me to a Stitch n’ Pitch event at the Mets’ Citi Field — which sounded like fun, despite the fact that 1) I’m not a very advanced knitter, 2) I’ve never learned to crochet, and 3) I’m a Red Sox fan. But, I figured, I can always pack an embroidery or other hand stitch project, and hey, my dad grew up a fan of the Mets, so it’s all in the family.

Now, if you recall, when I announced my crafty New Year’s resolution last December during the holiday giveaway, it was to learn to crochet. Needless to say, I’ve been slacking a bit, and though it would have been easy to toss the embroidery project in my tote and go, Kristina’s invitation inspired me. Especially when I learned that the Mets vs. the Marlins wasn’t the only contest taking place at Citi Field that day. Up in Section 531, deep along the left field foul line, a group of “hookers” were gathering to attempt to set a Guinness World Record for Most People Crocheting Simultaneously. Count me in! Below are some of the busy hands, along with our intrepid host, Deborah Norville.

A quick tutorial from my friend Lianne got me working on my first ever chain. Which equals the first WIN of the afternoon!

Fifteen minutes later, I, in combination with 426 other crocheters in Section 531 had helped set the Guinness World Record. Second WIN!
A few hours after that, with a home run by David Wright plus a few RBIs from Wright, Ike Davis, Jeff Francoeur, and Ruben Tejada, the Mets sealed a victory against the Marlins, 6 runs to 1. Third WIN!

Not to mention a few other game highlights: 1) My friends and I were featured on the jumbotron during the instant replay of the record-setting crocheting; 2) I spotted a few slashed T-shirts in the stands (an example from two rows in front of me, below); also, Kristina (above) wore a refashioned Mets tank–a no-sew combination of projects #15 and #16!; and 3) I untangled 2 skeins of yarn into neat balls–each coincidentally about the size of a baseball. All in all, a very satisfying win-win-win.

Take me out to the ball game…