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Grand Rapids is Great!

Last August, I visited the West Side Garage Store in Grand Rapids, Michigan to host not one, not two, but three  T-shirt refashioning workshops in one day! It was such amazing fun for everyone involved that they’re doing it again (with two workshop sessions) to celebrate their two-year anniversary. And though I can’t be there in person this time, Generation T will be there in spirit with book giveaways and  goody bag surprises.

So if you’re in the Grand Rapids area, reserve your spot for this Saturday!

Saturday, June 12
10:00-12:00 or 1:00-3:00
@ St. Mary’s Activities Center
$15/person (includes a goody bag)
To make reservations, contact Sue at 616-459-7390 or

[ 3 Comments | Posted on June 9th, 2010 ]

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Hey T-shirt Fans, Let’s Celebrate!

The Generation T community is rapidly growing! On a quiet Thursday afternoon last week–June 3, to be exact–Generation T hit an exciting milestone on Facebook. All you scissor-happy folks who “like” Generation T have reached one thousand strong!

To celebrate, I’m giving away one Generation T “A T-shirt is a Terrible Thing to Waste” T-shirt (size L) along with a pair of Generation T scissors to a lucky fan. Just leave a comment telling me in 5 words or less (short and sweet!) what else you like. Your dog? Your new shoes? The weather today? Your newest “I made it myself!” moment? We’ll choose a winner at random end of day Thursday.

In the meantime, here’s to you all, and thanks to each one of you for being a liker, not a fighter. Keep spreading the T-shirt love like!


Megan & Generation T

[ 50 Comments | Posted on June 8th, 2010 ]


A Win-Win-Win at Mets Citi Field!

Several months ago, my friend Kristina invited me to a Stitch n’ Pitch event at the Mets’ Citi Field — which sounded like fun, despite the fact that 1) I’m not a very advanced knitter, 2) I’ve never learned to crochet, and 3) I’m a Red Sox fan. But, I figured, I can always pack an embroidery or other hand stitch project, and hey, my dad grew up a fan of the Mets, so it’s all in the family.

Now, if you recall, when I announced my crafty New Year’s resolution last December during the holiday giveaway, it was to learn to crochet. Needless to say, I’ve been slacking a bit, and though it would have been easy to toss the embroidery project in my tote and go, Kristina’s invitation inspired me. Especially when I learned that the Mets vs. the Marlins wasn’t the only contest taking place at Citi Field that day. Up in Section 531, deep along the left field foul line, a group of “hookers” were gathering to attempt to set a Guinness World Record for Most People Crocheting Simultaneously. Count me in! Below are some of the busy hands, along with our intrepid host, Deborah Norville.

A quick tutorial from my friend Lianne got me working on my first ever chain. Which equals the first WIN of the afternoon!

Fifteen minutes later, I, in combination with 426 other crocheters in Section 531 had helped set the Guinness World Record. Second WIN!

A few hours after that, with a home run by David Wright plus a few RBIs from Wright, Ike Davis, Jeff Francoeur, and Ruben Tejada, the Mets sealed a victory against the Marlins, 6 runs to 1. Third WIN!

Not to mention a few other game highlights: 1) My friends and I were featured on the jumbotron during the instant replay of the record-setting crocheting; 2) I spotted a few slashed T-shirts in the stands (an example from two rows in front of me, below); also, Kristina (above) wore a refashioned Mets tank–a no-sew combination of projects #15 and #16!; and 3) I untangled 2 skeins of yarn into neat balls–each coincidentally about the size of a baseball. All in all, a very satisfying win-win-win.

Take me out to the ball game…

[ 2 Comments | Posted on June 5th, 2010 ]

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Towers of T-shirts

T-shirt art comes in many forms. Sometimes a canvas to screenprint, sometimes a raw material to cut and slash, sometimes a medium to appreciate in mass quantity. New York artist Derick Melander collects already worn clothing (including T-shirts, of course) and uniformly folds and stacks the garments to create Andy Goldsworthy-an sculpture.

Like Goldsworthy, Melander uses materials already existing in the landscape around him–he uses his hands to fold the discarded textiles and thus carve and cultivate our secondhand landscape. From floor-to-ceiling towers (I wonder how much floor-to-ceiling space my current collection takes up!), to blended color studies in columns. In one, parts of the shirts even appear to drip, as paint would.

The crisp folds imposed upon an inherently soft material give  new architecture to garments otherwise cherished for their flexibility. On the other hand, folded clothing is not an uncommon — it’s a process we go through every time we do the laundry!– and yet Melander’s interpretation makes the subject and process far less ordinary.

Watch the video below to get “into the fold” and learn how Melander puts one of these sculptures together. From Melander’s website: “This [particular] event, hosted by the Office of Recycling Outreach and Education, was part of the 5th Annual Green Brooklyn…Green City Fair and Symposium at Brooklyn Borough Hall and Columbus Park.” The 5′ by 7′ sculpture was made using (gulp!) 3615 pounds of recycled clothing, which represents the amount of textile waste that is thrown away every five minutes in New York City.

Into The Fold, Brooklyn Borough Hall from Derick Melander on Vimeo.

[ 1 Comment | Posted on May 27th, 2010 ]

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From Our Readers: Ashley!

Generation T reader Ashley, who’s always looking for ways to “reuse things, save money, and still look like a rockstar,” turns to both books for inspiration.  Well, we think the photo here is significant proof of the rockstar bit! The project featured here is made from one of her husband’s castoffs. Ashley painted embellishments onto it–starting with the red lips and then branching out to the red highlights for the gray lady–before slashing the fabric and lacing up the side to make something new and fabulous! And, of course, who can’t help but love the no-sew glovelets as accessories!

[ Comments Off on From Our Readers: Ashley! | Posted on May 26th, 2010 ]

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Ode to the Perfect T-shirt

From T-shirt oddities to T-shirt perfection. According to the calendar,  it’s been spring since March 20, but now that the weather says so, too (after a few false starts), we can officially celebrate T-shirt season! And while Generation T is all about T-shirt transforming/refashioning/upcycling/surgery and general reuse of materials that you already have, we can also totally get behind that oh-so-rare gem: the perfect T-shirt. There is most certainly a T-shirt or two in my closet that has come to achieve that level of well-worn perfection and flawless fit–and I wouldn’t think of tarnishing that perfection with a pair of scissors. There’s the thrifted turquoise T-shirt from the Golden Nugget in Las Vegas (that I picked up at a Goodwill in Honolulu); the soft, white hand-me-down Alternative Apparel tee from my sister; or the American Apparel V-neck that, I admit, I bought in two colors–they fit me really well and go with oh-so-many other items in my closet. So what’s your favorite basic T-shirt? Here are some of this season’s best according to and courtesy of Jane Flanagan over at the Readymade blogs:

Top row: Joie Soft Rowena Top from Shopbop / Tissue mini-pocket tee from J. Crew / American Vintage Thin Jersey Short Sleeve Tee from Revolve / S/S crew neck tee from LnA

Bottom row: Organic V-Neck from Alternative Apparel / Kain Pocket Tee from Revolve / James Perse Short Sleeve Relaxed Casual V Neck Tee from Shopbop / The Echo Park Heather Burnout Deep V-Neck from Alternative Apparel

Images via Readymade.

[ 2 Comments | Posted on May 25th, 2010 ]


Crafty Fun & Goodness this Weekend in NYC!

I was so bummed not to make it to the first ever Austin Renegade Craft Fair (the Naughty Secretary has a great rundown here), especially since I was even in the great state of Texas last weekend! Alas, Texas is a big state, and Dallas was still too far from Austin for this trip. Luckily for me (and you other Tri-Staters reading), the BUST Spring Fling Craftacular is ready and waiting to welcome me back to Brooklyn this Sunday! The younger sister of the BUST Holiday Craftacular, the Spring Fling is a veritable shopping party–all the drinks, deliciousness, and DJs requisite of a proper party combined with more than 50 awesome indie designers in stationery, fashion, jewelry, and more, more, more.

Also on the scale of awesome, Score! Pop-up Swap will be in attendance to collect gently used items for their upcoming Megaswap on May 29th at BKLYN Yard. Because hey, if you’re not using those old T-shirts at the back of your closet, drop them off so they can be adopted by someone who will use them!

What: Bust Spring Fling Craftacular
Where: The Warsaw (261 Driggs Ave, Greenpoint)
When: This Sunday, May 23; 11:00am – 7:00pm
$2 entry

I’ll be there roaming the aisles of Warsaw, that’s for sure. Hope to see you!

[ Comments Off on Crafty Fun & Goodness this Weekend in NYC! | Posted on May 21st, 2010 ]

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Ode to the Odd T-shirt

T-shirt designers are awfully clever. When it comes to “painting” their canvases, the results can be sweet, funny, and just plain jaw-dropping. Here are some amazing works of T-shirt ingenuity that we’ve been amused by in recent weeks.

First, some camouflage for when you’re trying to get lost in the urban jungle:

Below is a T-shirt promoting the movie Resident Evil–but I could definitely see some other brilliant non-zombie possibilities for this T-shirt format as well.

Below, the string is actually part of the T-shirt, and the blinds can be raised and lowered by pulling on it! Brilliant.

This one promoting healthy hair growth just makes me smile. I wonder if it comes in blond, brunette, and red hair options! And what about curly and wavy?

Child’s arm becomes elephant trunk. Too cute! I’ve seen variations in which the child’s head replaces the head of an animal printed on the shirt, but in this adaptation, the T-shirt does double-duty as a toy.

The perfect T-shirt showcases any number of perfect accessories. Roller skates, sunglasses–both?

We covered the Chalkboard Tees by Class Attire when they were at Renegade San Francisco last year and I bought a butterfly one for my niece. And yes, they come in adult sizes, too!

So which T-shirt’s your favorite? Have any other good ones to share?

Via Quirky Jessi via 10works.

[ 3 Comments | Posted on May 13th, 2010 ]

T-shirt Projects

T-shirt Beanbag Chair from CRAFT

You have T-shirts transformed into throw pillows, T-shirts into rugs, T-shirts into a quilt for the bed, a tablecloth and napkins for the table–you’ve got every item to furnish a room except for a chair! (And maybe the dresser, but that’s for a future challenge.)

Thanks to Becky Stern at Craft (right, photo by Nathan Rosenquist) and Tiffany Threadgould of RePlayground (with inspiration from Instructables user Seamster) you need look no further! Gather up the materials and follow the video tutorial below with Becky and Tiffany to learn how to make it!

Materials and tools:

  • old T-shirts (about 12-18)
  • scissors
  • pattern paper
  • ruler
  • protractor
  • pencil/pen
  • marking chalk
  • sewing machine
  • thread
  • utility knife or serrated bread knife
  • cutting mat
  • upholstery foam (scrapped from trash furniture, an old mattress, or leftover from another project)
  • straight pins
  • hand sewing needle

Pillow Chair from Old T-Shirts – CRAFT Video from make magazine on Vimeo.

Let us know how it goes! AND, for a smaller pet version, gather up 4 large T-shirts and check out project #68 “T-shirt’s Pet” in Generation T: Beyond Fashion to make this lovely cushion for your furry best friend:

Photo courtesy Workman Publishing Co.

[ 7 Comments | Posted on May 11th, 2010 ]

More Fun, T-shirt Projects

T-shirt Neckties!

The ultimate in formal attire meets the ultimate in casual wear in this necktie/T-shirt mash-up! Well beyond the traditional “Tie T-shirt” (which will pass for office dress code as much as the T-shirt Tux is appropriate for a wedding), how about a T-shirt tie?

Enter Etsy seller SupperClub (aka Lily Rothman), who makes one-of-a-kind neckties  from old T-shirts (and other vintage or recycled materials). There’s an Oxford tie for the recent grad. A Notre Dame tie to wear to the next big game. Or, mail Supperclub a T-shirt from your own closet, and she’ll transform it for you into a totally dynamite gift for dad/brother/boyfriend. (And hey, let’s face it, that tie T-shirt isn’t going to get you past the door at a swanky restaurant, but a jersey knit tie might do the trick.)

Scour your closet (or his closet, perhaps) for T-shirt announcing his favorite team, his alma mater, the best rock band of all time (by his estimates), or the time he took home a medal (along with every participant) in the annual Thanksgiving Turkey Trot fun run last year.

Of course, if you’re feeling a bit stitchy and want to do-it-yourself, try experimenting with the tie pattern from Diana Rupp’s sewing and pattern book, S.E.W.: Sew Everything Workshop.

Oh, and did we mention Supperclub has a bow tie option, too? But of course. Don’t forget, Father’s Day is coming June 20…

(All photos courtesy of SupperClub.)

[ 6 Comments | Posted on May 3rd, 2010 ]