Can you put on more than 25 shirts in 1 minute? Jamie Matter secured the record over at Universal Record Database on August 26, 2010. Can you beat it? No cheating! Head must be through neckbands, and arms must be through armholes!
Can you break it down and do 13 T-shirts in 30 seconds, like Alex Kirchner did on January 18, 2010?
Or can you top the record of 3 Brothers in a T-shirt (set on February 21, 2010)? The Kase brothers, Levi, Jesse, and Kobe, are the ones to beat.

Or how about tackling the Longest Exquisite Corpse Relay in which 9 people run and draw throughout a 900-meter relay race? The first runner goes 100 meters while drawing part of a person on his T-shirt. The shirt is then removed and transferred to the next relay team member, who puts it on and starts running the next 100 meters while adding to the first runner’s drawing. This continues, with each person running 100 meters, until the 900 meters — and the drawing — is complete! Are you up for the cardio-creative challenge? The record was created and set on June 17, 2009 by Jessica Dunn, Lindsay Gerlach, Courtney Hacker, Flounder Lee, Paul Miller, Kurt Nettleton, Kyle Channing Smith, Victoria Son and Courtney Ware.
Or perhaps you’ve got a Guinness World Record in your sights: Record holder Matt McAllister wore an incredible (and heavy!) 155 T-shirts at once, and documented the results in the video below. Not sure if anyone’s challenged his record since, but keep us posted if you do!
Though unofficial and undocumented by video, we at Generation T like to think we hold the record for “Number of T-shirts Transformed in a Weekend” when we (with the help of many, many T-shirt fans) refashioned well over 300 T-shirts at the Bonnaroo Music Festival in Manchester, Tennessee in June 2006!
What T-shirt record would you dare attempt?
[ Posted on October 12th, 2010 ]