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Building Gets a Fashion Makeover

A Gap Inc. building in San Francisco, California got a fashion makeover recently —  all decked out in that super-soft staple we all love — T-shirts! It appears have been draped in 170 T-shirts, to be exact, making it casual Friday for the actual office itself!

What do you think of the season’s new colors and patterns? It looks like lots of neon, stripes, and jewel tones!

Photos via the Gap Inc. blog and my sister, Ariana (who happened to be driving by the other day — it looks like a few T-shirts have been snagged from the display since the original photos were taken) .

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[ Posted on May 4th, 2012 ]


  1. Emily says:

    It’s nice, but what happens if it rains or snows?

  2. megan says:

    That’s the great thing about these T-shirts — they’re already hung up to dry 🙂 And luckily, San Fran doesn’t often have to contend with snowflakes…