I’m super excited to share that I have a project in this issue of Sew It All, Volume 2. It’s on newsstands now, so I definitely recommend heading to your local fabric store, quilt shop, grocery store, or Barnes and Noble to pick up a copy (then flip, really fast, to page 80!). The issue is packed with stitching and finishing how-tos, tool and pattern reviews, plus–the best part!–50 fun, simple projects, including clothing, home decor and accessories–many of which don’t even require a pattern!

Some highlights: Linda Permann has a reverse appliqué “Plush Pillow” project on page 42; Crystal Butler shows how to make a cute “Flour Power” handbag out of a flour sack on page 76; Meream Pacayra‘s “Ribbons in Bloom” bib necklace on page 74 would be perfect to wear to any holiday party; Marian Lewis has a convertible “Towel Tote” on page 82 that I’ve got my eye on, and Sew It All editor-in-chief Ellen March shares how to make a “Gather ‘Round” convertible necklace/headband on page 88.

The project I designed combines a T-shirt and cotton bias strips (great for pairing cotton weave with stretchy knit fabrics!). It’s inspired by a top I made for Generation T: Beyond Fashion, and it”s a great starter project for timid sewists because it requires mere inches of stitching! Hope you like it.