Because there’s nothing quite like March in New England, I’m heading north with Generation T to spend quality time with some creative teenagers at Holderness School as part of an artist-in-residency program called Artward Bound (like Outward Bound, but with art!). I’ll be sharing the time
and space with eight other artists, who are all working around the central theme: Re-make it New. According to the mission and description of the 2011 program, we will “explore and celebrate…invention and resourcefulness. Re-source, re-use, re-make, re-balance, re-mix, reflect are the keywords that allow us to effectively tap the past, within the present, in order to construct a creative and sustainable future. Artists and performers of every kind are confronted with the daily challenge of making something new out of what is before them. It is said, ‘Necessity is the mother of invention.’ Never has that been more true, than in the eco-era of today. Invention is the ability to bring dissimilar ideas, tools, experience, and materials together in ways that surprise, instruct and lead.” That sure sounds all right to me!
Though the daytime class sessions are private, the evening performances are open to the community (including two eco-fashion shows premiering my students’ T-shirt refashion work) , and I’ll be posting more information about them as it becomes available. In the meantime, we’ll be sure to post plenty of pictures to share our progress throughout the two weeks that we get creative together!
Materials for the Generation T fashion workshops have been generously provided by the following sponsors: