UPDATE: THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED. SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE! (The store actually is out of stock of the screen printing kits, and they are reordering.) PLEASE CHECK BACK SOON FOR THE NEW DATE!
Come join me at the Manhattan location for Michaels Arts & Crafts store here in NYC! I’ll be demonstrating how to screen print at home with the Tulip Screen It system. It’s a pretty sweet kit (and super easy to use — just a couple of weeks ago, I transformed my bathroom into a darkroom by simply unscrewing the regular light bulb and replacing it with the yellow one you see below), and I’m looking forward to sharing with you how fun it is to use. You can print on T-shirts (think team or camp T-shirts, T-shirts for birthday gifts and favors), sweatshirts, tote bags, baby onesies, skirts, jeans — the list is endless…

At Michaels, I’ll be screening on plain cotton woven fabric — a nice cloth napkin square that can be pinned on as a patch, stitched with some backing as a pillow, or used as a quilt square! My sister and I actually designed a brand new graphic specifically for this event, so come on out and you may walk away with a printed square with this friendly T. rex in a T-shirt to incorporate into your next craft project!

And who knows, maybe I’ll print a T-shirt or two in advance to giveaway…

Hope to see you there!
Michaels Arts & Crafts Store
808 Columbus Avenue (at 100th street)
New York, NY

PS: If you’re not in NYC, check the list here to see if there’s a demo happening at your local Michaels Craft Store! There’s a different design and different artist at each location.