Media (San Francisco)

As a reminder that the holidays are just around the corner — say what?! it’s a cool 94 degrees out here in New York City! — here’s a lovely review for Generation T: Beyond Fashion that recommends the book for, well, just about everyone on your gift list!

“If you are a DIY king or queen, this book would be a perfect how-to guide for creating unique and one-of-a-kind presents for the hip teenager, new baby, college nerd, or even grandparent on your Christmas list.  If you know a DIY-er who is looking to try something new or the wanna-be fashion designer, this is a great book to give as a gift.  It definitely belongs in the library of every green-living, repurposing, thrift-store treasure hunter.” —Cindi Rose, (San Francisco)

Pre-holiday shopping panic cured, even before it started! You’re very welcome. Now go off and enjoy the long Labor Day weekend!

[ Posted on September 2nd, 2010 ]

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